Tuesday, February 28, 2012


This assignment require us to recreate an image from the book located on page 85. It is a flyer created from furniture and the design feature a lot of specific alignments. The following is a description of the original flyer from the book, "Strict alignment need not appear stodgy. Nearly every element in this composition is tightly anchored to a horizontal or vertical detail of another element. A creative application of the rules of alignment can lead to a dynamic conveyance of variety and verve."

I redesigned the flyer but kept to the same alignment techniques that were used in the original. However I used shoes instead of the chairs that were used in the original. I chose a bright colored pump that would easily stand out with the different colored backgrounds. I kept the two columns of text equally aligned and spaced. The titles on the page are also aligned with the edges of the columns of text. I wanted the word PUMPS to really stand out so I made the letters very large and I stretched them across the entire width of the page. I used the colors from the images on the right for the different words and lettering in the headings.

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