Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Design Principles Practice

In class we were given the above images and asked to:
  1. Rotate the shapes consistently
  2. Group by shape
  3. Resize each group of shapes for consistency

 While doing this, we had to keep in mind the four basic principles of design:
  1. Proximity
    • Group related items
  2. Alignment
    • Create a hard edge, line or margin by aligning items within each group.
  3. Repetition
    • Add consistency - Give grouped items similar fonts styles & sizes
  4. Contrast
    • Make one item (title) or one group's font size large and another small
After receiving the previous images and instructions, I created the following:

I tried to use the four basic principles of design when designing the above image. I chose the shapes that were all similar in shape and grouped them together. I used repetition in all of the images to add special effects and I also used interesting alignments. I added contrast by changing the colors and thicknesses of some of the shapes.

The above image is a business card that I created when given the first slide of information. I chose a very subtle color scheme to keep the card simple. I used two different shades of green from the information and then black and white text. I used white for the heading because it makes the group name stand out. For the watering can I changed the effect on powerpoint to make it look like a sketched out drawing. I really like the effect it gives and I think it goes along with the color scheme as well.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your final products of assignment 1 and 2. The shapes are bold and eye-popping and I like the effect you did on the water pail for the garden poster. I would recommend adding some descriptions about the project - what you did, how you did it, and why you did it. It would add to your post and it's part of the assignment.
